
The Importance Of Employee Retention
Intuitively, we know that employee retention is important as replacing employees who leave is expensive. The recruiting, the onboarding, the training, and the time taken until they become...
Remote Interviewing
Over the past number of years, the way in which companies are interviewing has changed and it looks like Remote Interviewing is here to stay for the foreseeable...
How To Write A Formal Letter
There are many ways to do it, but knowing how to write a formal letter is an important part of business. In this blog, we want to share...
Problem Solving Techniques for Interviews
For interviews, it’s often the case that you are never sure what to expect. As much as you prepare, the likelihood is that something will appear that you...
Best Job Offer Template For Any Job
One of the most exciting moments is being able to offer a job to someone who has worked hard to earn it. There are numerous ways it can...
Salary Negotiation Strategies For Employers
When an employee asks for a raise or it comes to working out the salary for a prospective new hire, the question remains: how should you negotiate salaries...
5 Ways to Motivate Your Employees
There are many ways you can motivate staff and we have compiled the top five ways to motivate employees and help them to be the best they can...
The Importance of Work Culture and How to Improve It
One way of making sure your business is heading in the right direction is to ensure that workplace culture is the best it can possibly be. However, it...
How To Write the Perfect Resignation Letter (Template Provided!)
Leaving a job is always difficult, but at PE Global we want to make the process as smooth as possible when it comes to doing so. To help...

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