AHPs , Medical Professionals & Healthcare

Addiction Counsellors

  • Contract
  • Galway, County Galway, Ireland
  • 42051004

Desired Skills: addiction,counselling,community

PE Global Healthcare is recruiting Addiction Counsellors based in the West of Ireland. These roles are full-time positions with a public service.

These are services that offer a range of counselling and support services for people with drug and alcohol-related problems. Both services operate from a harm reduction philosophy.


Your Role:

  • Provide counselling interventions to individuals, couples and groups who are affected by addiction-related issues.
  • Establish appropriate therapeutic contracts with clients to facilitate the counselling process.
  • Maintain and manage a clinical caseload in proportion to other duties.
  • Understand and prioritise service user needs, taking account of the role that culture, sexuality, peer group, gender, family and mental health has on beliefs and behaviours.
  • Facilitate treatment strategies and Care Plans.
  • Conduct screening interviews, initial and comprehensive assessments with service users.



  1. A professional qualification in counselling or psychotherapy of at least level 7 on the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland’s framework.
  2. Be accredited as a counsellor with the Addiction Counsellors of Ireland (ACI) or accredited as a counsellor/psychotherapist with the Irish Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (IACP) or a relevant body within the Irish Council for Psychotherapy (ICP).
  • Have a minimum of 2 years post-qualification experience working as a professional accredited counsellor in a counselling setting with adults and young people where addiction issues were part of this work.


If you are interested in being considered and meet the above criteria please email Ruth at ruth.barry@peglobal.net