Harnessing the Potential of Transferable Skills in Your Next Tech Hire

When you focus on hiring candidates with transferable skills enables your business to be more flexible and adaptable, ensuring you stay competitive in your industry. Hiring managers and companies should recognise that tech candidates with diverse skills and a flexible mindset allows organisations to future proof, thrive and tackle challenges in the sector.

In this article, we’ll explore what transferable skills are, their benefits for your business, and the key transferable skills that you as an employer should prioritise when hiring tech candidates. We’ll also share practical tips for identifying these skills on CVs and during interviews.

Skills in automating tasks are valuable in many sectors, not just software development.

What Are Transferable Skills?

In the tech field specifically, transferable skills are abilities that can be applied across different roles. These go beyond just technical skills but also include desirable skills such as leadership and communication. Developed through previous experiences, these skills can be adapted to new roles or industries, which helps to drive innovation and keep businesses ahead in the fast-paced tech world.

Now that we’ve defined transferable skills, let’s explore how they can benefit your business.

Benefits of Transferable Skills


  • Enhanced Adaptability: Candidates who can quickly adjust to new roles or handle multiple projects, making it easier to respond to evolving business needs or shifts in the market.
  • Reduced Training Time: Tech professionals with relevant transferable skills need less time to upskill, which allows them to hit the ground running in their new role, and reach their potential more quickly, while also saving time/money on training resources.
  • Knowledge Sharing: These candidates bring diverse insights and experiences from previous roles. This ultimately enhances your organisation’s overall knowledge base which can lead to innovations in areas you didn’t think of.
  • Leadership Potential: Transferable skills like leadership and communication can earmark candidates for future management roles, while driving project success.


Essential Transferable Skills for Tech Candidates


Basic Coding Knowledge

Experience in coding, even at a basic level, is valuable across the majority of tech roles. Key transferable coding skills include:

  1. Basic Testing Principles: Essential for ensuring the quality and security of software.
  2. Data Structures and Algorithms: Proficiency in this area helps candidates solve problems efficiently and can apply their knowledge in different industries.
  3. Automation Scripting: Skills in automating tasks are valuable in many sectors, not just software development.


Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI expertise can help to boost productivity and innovation. Transferable AI skills include:

  1. Data Analysis and Visualisation: These skills simplify complex data and enhance decision-making.
  2. Programming Languages: Beyond syntax, programming knowledge fosters logical thinking and problem-solving.


Software Development Principles

Skills in software principles can be transferred to many roles. Some examples include:

  1. Data Analysis: Identifying core issues and applying the right principles aids in clear reporting and organised analysis.
  2. Efficient Code Writing: Principles like KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) and DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) increase productivity and reduce errors.
  3. Problem-Solving: Understanding software principles allows tech candidates to tackle complex problems in a wide range of roles.




The ability to adapt is crucial in the ever-changing tech landscape. Employers should look for candidates who can:

  • Keep Up with Tech Advancements: Candidates must be able to adapt to new technologies and methodologies. It’s an essential requirement for anyone in tech.
  • Continuously Learn: Candidates who demonstrate a passion for learning stay ahead in their careers and keep up with industry advancements.
  • Show Flexibility: Flexibility in work style and schedules helps candidates excel in fast-paced environments.


Communication and Collaboration


  • Explaining Technical Concepts: The ability to communicate complex ideas in simple terms is essential in tech teams.
  • Presenting Ideas: Strong presentation skills help candidates articulate new concepts, fostering innovation.
  • Team Collaboration: Working effectively with diverse teams is critical for success in tech roles.


How to Identify Transferable Skills in CVs and Interviews



  • Behavioural Interviews: Ask candidates to share real-life examples of when they applied transferable skills.
  • Reference Checks: Confirm that candidates have consistently demonstrated these skills in previous roles.
  • Skills Assessments: Test both technical and interpersonal skills through practical assessments like coding challenges.
  • Rating Scales: Use rating scales to evaluate and compare candidates based on observed transferable skills.


CV/Resume Review

  • Keyword Analysis: Look for keywords and achievements that highlight transferable skills.
  • Compare Skills to Job Descriptions: Ensure the candidate’s skills align with the role’s requirements.
  • Link Skills to Experience: Look for concrete examples of how candidates applied their skills in previous roles.
  • Use ATS: Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) with natural language processing can help identify transferable skills efficiently.




This guide has outlined the importance of transferable skills for tech candidates, ranging from coding and AI to communication and adaptability. It provides tips for identifying these skills during recruitment through interviews, skills assessments, and resume reviews. By focusing on transferable skills, your business can stay ahead of industry trends, foster innovation, and build resilient teams.

Connecting Tech Talent to Your Business

At PE Global, our tech recruitment specialists can help you find candidates with the transferable skills needed to drive innovation. Contact us today to discuss your hiring needs, or if you’re a tech professional looking for your next opportunity.

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